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Abigail was exposed to Organ Donation and death at the Start of 2021 when her dad suddenly became ill and needed a Heart transplant. Those wishes and discussions helped to guide the family when those same decisions became reality after the Car accident. 

Abbi post about her Donation surgury

Abigail gave the gift of life, sight, and research. Due to the lack of injuries to her body from the accident, Lifeline had the chance to search, reference, look, and help many people in many ways. Abigail suffered a severe head injury and swelling in the brain, and lack of oxygen ultimately caused her passing. Due to the life-saving measures performed early on by the Fire department and hospital in Mansfield, Abigail was able to help so many. 


With this selfless choice, Abigail generously saved the lives of four people through the gift of organ
donation. She saved the life of a woman in her forties in Indiana with her right
kidney. This recipient has two children and enjoys spending time with them and her dog. She used to
work at a help call-line for over 14 years. She had been on the waitlist for almost a year before receiving
her life-saving gift.

Abigail saved the life of a woman in her forties in Indiana with her left kidney. She has
been married for eight years and works as an independent contractor. She had been on the waitlist for
over a year. 


 She saved the life of a woman in her forties in Michigan with her liver, and she saved the life of a woman in her thirties in Michigan with her lungs. 

Abigail's pancreas was recovered and sent to the Nationwide Children's Hospital for research. With
research and education consent, we honored her gifts through donations for research purposes to save and
heal future lives through the advancement of medical research and training.
Abigail may enhance the lives of people suffering from a traumatic injury or degenerative
disease by donating bone and soft tissue. Bone and soft tissue are used in treating spinal
fusions, hip replacements, and joint repairs.
 Numerous people benefit from a single tissue
 donation and will experience a dramatic improvement in their quality of life.

Lifeline of Ohio recovered Abigail's ribs for a special research project through The Ohio State
University Wexner Medical Center to help develop safer vehicle restraints and child restraint systems.
Through this research, Abigail's gift will help prevent injuries and save the lives of countless children in the

Abigail successfully donated her corneas to two people in California. Both recipients are in their twenties. 
Recovered corneas are considered for transplant locally first, then nationally. Corneal transplants can
restore sight to adults and children ranging in age from 9 days old to 103 years old.


If you want more information on Donation, please go to this website. DONATE LIFE




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